How To Teach The Sit Command
Teaching your dog to sit is one of the first skills most dogs learn.
- Hold a piece of kibble or dog treat just over your dog’s forehead as you say “Sit.”
- Move the food above your dog’s head toward his back as he falls into the sit position.
- Praise him and offer the food as an extra reward.
Leash training:
- With your dog standing on your left side, hold the leash in your right hand.
- Push his rump down with your left hand as you pull up on the leash. At the same time, say “Sit.”
- When your dog sits, praise him.
- Then give the command while pulling on the leash but without pushing his rump down.
- When this is successful, give just the command, so the dog responds to the command alone.
A well-trained dog automatically sits beside his handler whenever the handler stops. Teaching your dog to sit at your left side will get him used to being in that position when he learns the heel command.