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If you buy this from me, my dogs get treat money (not enough for a dog house).

How To Teach Stand From The Front Position

Sit/Stand Front

Your goal in this exercise is to be able to stand in front of your dog from the Sit/Stay position and command your dog to stand and your dog pops into a stand postion with any forward movement.

This exercise begins with you facing your dog in the Sit/Stay position, your hands by your side and the leash in the right hand. When you first begin practicing this exercise you should remain close to your dog to prevent any forward movement.

Command your dog to "Stand" and at the same time, extend your right hand out into a horizonal position, and with your left hand reach under your dog's belly in front of their right leg and help your dog into the stand position.

If, at anytime your dog tries to sit say "No, Stand" and step with your left leg to the side of your dog and help your dog back into the stand position.

Down/Stand Front

Your goal in this exercise is to be able to stand in front of your dog from the Down/Stay position and command your dog to stand and your dog pops into a stand postion with any forward movement.

This exercise begins with you facing your dog in the Down/Stay position, your hands by your side and the leash in the right hand. When you first begin practicing this exercise you should remain close to your dog to prevent any forward movement.

Command your dog to "Stand" and at the same time, extend your right hand out into a horizonal position, and with your left hand reach under your dog's belly in front of their right leg and help your dog into the stand position.

If, at anytime your dog tries to sit or down say "No, Stand" and step with your left leg to the side of your dog and help your dog back into the stand position.

It can help to slightly gesture in a way that causes your dog to come in a slight forward motion into a standing position. As soon as your dog pops up, say "Stay" and help your dog as described above.


Stand From The Frontal Position
Face your dog and stand close by. Hold the leash in the right hand. Command your dog to "Stand" as you pivot slightly to the left and hold your finger under the dog's belly by the dog's left leg.