the dog's responses. We can do the same or offer a more palatable treat. Your dog may get stimulated from a dry cookie, but will get extremely excited when offered a piece of fresh, cooked liver. Your signal will trigger the response you program into your dog. I recommend you make the response very intense for the most attention.

So the formula for programming or training is: apply the signal for the behavior with motivation, wait for the behavior, when you see the behavior you want, trigger your reward signal ("Good"), then apply your reinforcer; either primary (food) or secondary (petting, toys, freedom or play). The two ways to train are: to influence the behavior to happen through manipulation or motivation and then reward; or wait for the behavior to happen on its

trainers use a whistle to trigger their reward so that the dolphin can hear the signal even underwater. It is inconvenient to carry a whistle or a pocket full of food, so we use our words to communicate our reward. Food is a primary reinforcer. There are only four primary reinforcers available for all organisms, They are food, water, air, and sex. A primary reinforcer is something that, when applied to an organism, lets the organism know that this is a positive event. A secondary reinforcer is something (a signal) that triggers a primary reinforcer. Our goal in laying our positive signal is to trigger the most intense response from our signal. Pavlov used hunger  to increase the intensity of

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