sponse we want and help them into it. Steps two and three are often tied together through the use of the leash correction. While the dog is manipulated into the position, he gets the reward that helps the dog realize where his advantage lies. The amount of force in step two is different for every dog and each situation. The way we find this level is that we start at the least amount, then gradually increase until a level that the dog responds to has been reached; the least amount of force necessary to get the job done. The job is to get the dog's attention. The use of his praise/correction balance is very important in dog training. Always re

member that the rewards must be attractive and must always be earned, a warning must precede corrections, and the correction must be enough to get the dog's attention. Your corrections must always be followed by praise and, most importantly, your timing for both the praise or correction must be precise in order for the dog to understand the lesson. 

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